Seven Cups
7 Cups
The Card: We see a person in darkness, observing 7 cups. The cups are seen against a blue sky, floating on a grey cloud. There is something different in each cup.
Interpretation: It looks like the person in front is having a vision. A vision of the state of his life, or what is to come. In the middle cup he sees him self. His indecision and unclarity is shown by the blanket covering him in his vision. He cannot decide, doesn't now what direction to take, something in his life is causing him to loose touch with his heart. He has many options:
1: To transform and heal with the snake, be new.
2: Be with a beautiful woman he loves.
3: He could also isolate himself in the tower/castle on the cliff.
4: Seek riches instead of inner values.
5: Or fame and glory with the laurels.
6: Finally he could seek to enlighten the shadows inside himself through the gargoyle.
His aura in the vision is strong but red, there is distress. Balancing of his energies is needed, to reach a calm state, then he can see his way.
Prediction: During this time there is a calling to find out what to honour. Steps needs to be taken to reach a balanced state, to be able to see clearly.
Keywords: Introspection, unipolarity, visions of possibilities, free will to take a direction, everything is possible.
©2017 Jan Kirk (text only)
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