The first lovers on earth, Adam and Eve, are being confronted by god after having eaten from the tree of wisdom, seen behind Eve. Behind Adam is the tree of life. Perhaps it was a blessing that they were expelled from Eden before they could eat from the other forbidden tree.
The card represents a shift from a completely protected environment, to one of greatly increased responsibility, but also knowledge, the knowledge of good and evil. Now Adam and Eve have to till the soil in the sweat of their brows, to make a living for themselves.
In the background is seen the mountain where they might have to go. Outside Eden they will have to search for their own meaning of life. A visit to the pinnacle of the mountain can be necessary to test their newfound knowledge, does it work in the world of the mortal ?
Keywords: Innocence, Immaturity, Adolescence, Knowledge, Mortality, Being human, Finding new meaning, Eviction from 'home'.