Knight of Wands
The Card: A knight in armour observes the staff while sitting on his rearing horse. He is decorated with a yellow cape, decorated with lizards, and red plumage adorns his helmet. The terrain is barren, with 3 mountains in the horizon. He is seen against a blue sky.
Interpretation: As the page he is looking keenly at the staff, but perhaps a bit anxiously, as if it might manifest something dangerous. He has deemed it necessary to suit up in his armour, confirming his belief that struggle may lay ahead.
The lizards on his cape strongly suggests that he listen to his own intuition, or even dreams. And after careful consideration to choose his course of action. The lizard may signify that one or more changes are imminent, and the choice he makes may affect him for some time to come. It is important that he chooses that which honours his life. But he has got energy to support him, the red fire is on his helmet and back, and a strong horse to carry him.
The 3 mountains may tell of 3 areas of change, 3 ways to explore. Perhaps all I needed, perhaps only 1 is needed.
Prediction: In the coming time I will use my gift of intuition/psychic abilities to select my way in a time of change. Perhaps there is fear, and I may be self-protective, but I will use the abundant energy/strength at my hand to help me. Maybe I will have to go places which doesn't seem to hold any gift, but the reward is there if I persevere.
Keywords: Change, self-protectiveness, strife, strong intuition, a journey/quest, reward if listening carefully to the heart.
©2017 Jan Kirk (text only)