The high priestess
Where there is male energy there has to be female energy, which this woman represents. And once there is male and female, there will also be black and white, good and bad. With this card comes duality, which is shown by it's number 2.
She is passive compared to her predecessor, waiting. She now has to balance between the two sides, poised in a mediation over difference.
The moon which represents emotion, motherhood or memory, is at her feet. She is not emotional, but knows the challenges of duality. A keeper of balance and order.
Prediction: Be still, balance yourself. Your intuition is strong but it has to be nurtured. With this card you are encouraged to develop, use, and listen to the female energy. Without becoming engrossed in emotion. You need to be beyond that.
Keywords: The female, Motherhood, Duality, Birth of emotion, Meditation, Passivity, Still and poised, A chosen one.
©2017 Jan Kirk (text only)